

Dark Territory, Crash Pad, Toy Box... whatever you want to call it, this is where it gets glued together.



I've been calling the studio "The Cave" for years now and it didn't hit me until I sat down to write this section how ironic that name was. When I was in Jr High, the school's art teacher -Kurt Holstein- put a band together to play some of the songs he'd been writing. That's the first time a bass guitar was put in my hands and it changed my life forever. His art room was nicknamed The Cave so we became The Cave Band. I guess life really does have a way of coming full circle. Thanks Kurt!


My favorite pieces of equipment, in this order are... coffee maker, Herman Miller chair, refrigerator, microwave oven and of course the futon couch/bed. Yup... crash pad.


The nerve centre of The Cave is a new high end Mac Pro running the Adobe Creative Suite as the main editing and graphics software. Premiere Pro is the editing program of choice combined with a slew of additional ancillary software.


Coming soon is a fish tank, dart board, and a Magic 8 Ball for critical edit decision making.


Thanks for visiting The VIDEO ZOO!



I'm sure many people will think that's a ridiculous statement, but I'll stand by it 100%. Obviously this doesn't hold true in all cases but the importance of audio can not be under estimated. My favorite and most memorable movie scenes all have an incredible audio element.


My background is in the music industry and I've set The Cave up similar to a recording studio in the regards of audio playback. For several years I worked for an acoustic consulting and manufacturing company which enabled me to hear many outstanding recording studios and some of the best hi-fi listening rooms in the country. It gave me a true appreciation for pristine audio and that's what I wanted to create in The Cave.


Tannoy NFM-8 mid field studio monitors are supported by a Tannoy sub woofer, and powered with Crown amplification. The room has been treated with absorption panels and bass traps to insure you're listening to the speakers and not the influence of the room.  The main voice over microphone is an AKG 414.  And yes... it's been known to get loud in here!

In many instances, audio is more important than video.